Tuesday 10 January 2012

10th January

So at work I am currently editing my videos that I have helped produce for the School of Earth and Environment website and another set of videos interviewing Graduates on their Gradation day in December. I am really enjoying the whole process, I have been apart of every step from meeting with different production companies to finding volunteers for the videos, interviewing them in a ‘studio’ and am now currently looking at the whole of the interviews and trying to edit them down so we have lots of short head shot videos. It is a lot more time consuming that I imagined but I am so excited to see the final products!
I’m also coming up with designs to re do 2 o the Faculty of Environment leaflets, this is one part of my work I really enjoy as I get to have that input in something the University will use for the next year and seeing the final product of something I have helped design is really rewarding. A few months ago I produced 2 leaflets, one for the School of Geography and another for the School of Environment, seeing the final outcome land on my desk was really rewarding and I cant wait to see the outcome with these leaflets too.      

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